Pisound as Midi splitter?

My current project uses midi keyboard input via USB, processed by Csound from Alsa. I’d also like to send the same midi output from the keyboard to my modular setup. This would be consumed by the Tubbutec uTune module, which accepts both DIN and USB. Is there a way, for example, that I can split the midi input so that a copy will go out through the Pisound Midi Out DIN? Or maybe there’s some other way to do it? Thanks for any ideas.

Hey, so you want to consume MIDI input on Pisound, as well as send the same input out via the output port? If so, that can be achieved using aconnect, do aconnect -l to see the list of ALSA MIDI ports, then make the direct connection from Pisound input to output, like aconnect 20:0 20:0, if Pisound’s ID is 20 in the list. You have to run this command once on every reboot. Run aconnect -x to disconnect all the connections you’ve made.

There’s also a GUI for this utility called aconnectgui, you have to install it manually.

Ah, thank you! I will try this out.