Using different sound cards for in and out / ALSA instead of jack

I need to test something that involves a different USB audio input from the USB audio output. It’s possible on the desktop setup Jack with different soundcards using Cadence, but maybe i should just use ALSA for the moment. How can I make jack stop on patchbox OS? even if i stop the service in the config tool it restarts immediately.

Close all audio apps, and run this command:

sudo systemctl stop jack

To start it again, run:

sudo systemctl start jack

Looks like there’s a bug in the config tool, thank you for reporting it :slight_smile:

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Thank you! :smiley:

How can I keep jack from starting on reboot?

I am testing a different sound card and just want to do some simple tests with Alsa and will be rebooting often

I’ve tried sudo systemctl disable jack but then it still seems to be loading when i reboot

● jack.service - JACK Server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/jack.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

Suggestions? Thanks!

It could be that there’s some service running that depends on jack, that in turn gets it started. Some of these could be pisound-ctl, mec, orac, patchbox-init. The output of simply running sudo systemctl may be useful.

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Probably patchbox-Init I’m guessing. I apparently need to learn more about systemd.

I ended up just going back to a stock buster image (with just my soundcard configured) for this task since I need it to be dead simple.