Euclidean delay

A variant of the delay pipe.
It receives midi notes and delays them but, rather than a fixed period between each successive repeat, the repeats are spread over time using the euclidean algorithm.
Modes, sync/ not sync
If Sync, then parameters would be:

  • time division (1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 …etc)
  • Numerator (number of repeats/beats to distribute across the delay period)
  • Denominator (Number of time divisions over which the repeats/beats needs to be distributed)
  • Feedback (volume of successive repeats compared to previous repeats in %)
  • Repeats (to define a set number of euclidean repeat cycles if this is desired)

If Not sync:

  • Time period (in ms … the length of the delay period)
  • Numerator (number of repeats/beats to distribute across the entire delay time period)
  • Denominator (Number of divisions of the Time period over which the repeats/beats needs to be distributed … an integer > numerator)
  • Feedback (volume of successive repeats compared to previous repeats in %)
  • Repeats (to define a set number of euclidean repeat cycles if this is desired)

Could be fun :slight_smile:)

Great idea, noting it down in our todo :slight_smile:

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That’s wonderful news, thanks :slight_smile:

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