Pisound Docs

The Pi versions that Pisound runs on and is tested with and the list of supported Pi versions for Patchbox OS are separate things, that’s why each have their own list of supported Pi models.

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I bought Pisound because it says it “is an ultra-low latency high-quality sound card”, which is what I need. From what I can tell, that “ultra-low latency” is only available if you use Patchbox OS, is that correct?

No, that’s incorrect. You can get the same latency using any Linux OS you want.

A post was merged into an existing topic: piSound no longer connects to midi ports


Just getting started with pisound and open it up when working and the first thing i want to try to do is control the patch that is playing via headless mode, how do i edit or control what starts up in headless mode, is there a .cfg or similar type file i can edit that controls that functions?

I have tried changing some settings with sudo patchbox-config command and realised i have at some point in the past set up the pisound with patchbox to run Orac 2.0 on starting. If i log into the pisound with my phone using the pisound app i can select to load from usb new patches and then the drums stop.

I want to be able to use orac and the pisound headless just struggling to get it working. Are there any docs i can read to help?