New to Midihub: Step-by-Step.04: Controlling outgoing messages

Our merged pipelines are causing a Clock conflict.

… to stop a device sending out unwanted messages…
… we could spend a hour looking at manuals and the web…

…or solve it the easy way with Midihub Filters

:pushpin: MIDI Monitor filters just hide events from view

Midihub Filter Pipes stop certain events getting through

There are 5 types of Midihub filter pipes.
Together they can do a lot

We need to use one of the simplest: the FILTER pipe

We need to stop Clock messages from MIDI-B…
…but not from MIDI-A…

SO: We need to insert a FILTER pipe in the right place…

:high_brightness: try it yourself …then check below… should look like this:

Take a moment to look down the list of message types FILTER can prevent getting through
We’ll come back to it later to play,
but for now…

Now let’s test the FILTER in action:

First: change the MIDI Monitor filters to show Clock again…

… we see that Clock messages are Incoming but not Outgoing

BUT if we Bypass the FILTER (we stop it doing anything)

…we see that Clock messages are Incoming and Outgoing

NOW, select the Virtual Pipe that merges the signals…

SEE the BPM is still crazy because the FILTER Bypass is ON

but when we turn OFF Bypass and let the FILTER do its job…

…everything is as we want it!

Now turn off the Keystep Arp just to finish…

…see the Stop message and the ‘Stop’ CCs

:eye_in_speech_bubble: : did you spot the KeyStep oversight?

It's the wrong channel!:

Between sessions it was playing a Drum machine on Channel 10.

MIDI Monitor shows us we need to fix that too, otherwise Keystep won’t be ‘seen’ on Channel 1.

Now: Save the patch : we’ll build on it in the next session
(our name for it was ‘Merger2to1VirtualA.mhp’)

Now the patch is saved, take some time to …

:game_die: Experiment with Filter

..try some different..

…event types to filter out:

  • try to see how many different event types your devices will output…
  • …use a Filter in one or more of the 3 pipelines
  • …change the Filter options
  • …try the Enable All, Disable All, and Invert buttons…
  • …and watch the change in the MIDI Monitor Outgoing column

Now you know…

  • how to use Virtual pipes to combine outputs…
  • how to use MIDI Monitor to diagnose and fix problems
  • that Midihub Filters are one way to limit messages that leave a pipeline

Next, we’ll split outputs and customise what goes through each one :link:

:arrow_upper_left: more on syncing tempos:

we just matched tempos...

…of our two devices, just to keep things simple.
That’s probably OK when playing a short arpeggio like out example.

But a long arpeggio or a sequence would need our devices to be sync’ed.
We put some links for that bigger subject here :link:

That’s the end of this episode.

In the next episode, we’ll use our Midihub skills to develop a patch with 2 inputs and 3 outputs, discovering some new pipes along the way.

The following entries on this topic are helpful comments from users on how to improve the tutorial above.

Many of the suggestions will have already been incorporated.

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