MIDI clock not send

Hi, I’m a new MidiHub user and I’ve got a question:
I’m using MdiHub in a MIDI only environment. Using Elektron Digitone to send MIDI signals from one MidiHub outputs to an external synth and everything is ok. On another channel I’d like to send MIDI clock to another Elektron sequencer but having no luck.
What I’m doing wrong? Thank You.

No good reason why you shouldnt be able to.
Might be a filter issue – Can you post your preset?

Away from studio now. tomorrow I’ll post the preset. Thank U.

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Midihub 2024.04.05 08.35.47.mhp (560 Bytes)

Here it is.
Thank U for your help.


No reason why the preset should not send Clock out

Here’s what you should see when the Digitone clock is running:

The Box:

  • whichever preset is selected: the LED for that preset will be on solid
  • My Clock is running at 30bpm: MIDI A IN and all 4 MIDI OUT are flashing every 2 secs

The Editor:

Send us some screenshots of what you’re seeing.

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Thank U. Now working as expected.

btw, what was the key to the puzzle for later reader’s info?

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Oh yes, of course.
MidiHub was working correctly from the beginning but, my bad, from the Digitone I wasn’t sending the transport control apart from sending the clock correctly. As you may know they are separate controls.
Apologize for my error.