Help Debugging a few pipes and kinks

:wink: quote=“dkamhaji, post:3, topic:5289”]
love to connect with some more advanced users to get some sort of better grounding. the tutorials have not really helped me
Well, @dkamhaji, Midihub users don’t come more advanced than @Giedrius!

In terms of the tutorials, I’m not really surprised the “New to Midihub” series was of limited use to you given your initial envisaged Midihub setup:

…even the final episode was only building a 2 in - 3 out setup (as I recall) and that was pretty long because of its Step-By-Step style!

Speaking more generally and more for future readers who come across this topic (ie. you probably know this Danny!)…

…looking for kinks or debugging a setup like this – if I had the .mhp and some idea of the message flows– the first place I’d look is the possible loops:

If possible, I’d strip out the preset so it just dealt with this part (then bolt the rest back on later using File>Append from File... and/or drag&drop from a 2nd Editor)

Not knowing your internal routing, I’d be aware of the possibility of not just two loops…


…but 3:

And, as the Keystep above is now replaced by MiniFreak this gives the possibility of rather more!

(PS, I think that would be a very involved YouTube…:wink:)

btw, @dkamhaji , how much are you into using virtuals to merge flows just for Monitoring purposes? For me, it’s an essential tool at least during patch development.