Virtual Mapping Techniques

“Scaled” mappings

Before Virtual Mappings, many users pined for the ability to limit or scale the range of incoming messages for a mapping:

so if a control sends in values in a [0,127] range, we might want the effect on a mapped property to be only in the range [0, 32]
Virtual Mappings allow us to use Rescale to modify the incoming messages before they
reach a virtual port and can be used as a mapping.

This Demo


There are 3 Rescale pipes creating 3 mappings:

  1. CC#3 is Rescaled from 72 → 119;
    this changes the Input Pipe Source from Virtual A → Virtual G

  2. CC#4 is Rescaled from 52 → 76;
    this is used to restrict Transpose to ±12 semitones

  3. Note 24 (low C) Bypasses MIDI D OUT when the velocity is low



This patch shows the effect of more than one synced CCs on, say, LFO or Equalizer

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