EDIT: Preset updated and improved using Virtual Mappings (Firmware 1.15+)
Updated version here
Even if the specific task is not useful to that many users,
It might be worth a glance as it uses a few features which are new in 1.15:
virtual mappings, obviously…
…but also in a “same line setting” context
(…a powerful new capability which is worth highlighting IMO) -
plus, use of the new
Set Value to
=Incoming Ch.
Transform setting,
enabling a “get channel” to later “set channel” function
(this might be the first published preset to use this. It won’t be the last)
Here’s a sketch focussing on the virtual mappings…
…using it alongside the patch and MIDI monitor will help decode the preset
The main bit of the working is the (fairly standard) “{CC → Note} → Transpose → {Note → CC}” chunk, which does the adding.
(Probably don’t need the
pipe, btw)
NB This bit is ‘triggered’ by both the original CC and the “rescaled Pressure” CC, so we get CC output from both the ‘key press’ and the ‘knob turn’
The mappings
The top two lines set up the values for these “adding” pipes:
The second line is just the sort of scaled mapping that earlier users long wanted (to avoid the need for a ‘physical loopback’) and is now possible
The first line creates what I call an “anonymous” mapping making it easier to change inputs/channels etc than in 1.13.4
This makes the preset “channel - agnostic” which means it won’t break as soon as you change channel…
…but also means that {CC → Note} Transform doesn’t “know” the original channels when it receives a “Pressure” CC
So the really good 1.15 stuff happens in the 3rd line either side of the “adding” bit:
the first two Transforms “pick up” info – the Channel & CC# – about the incoming (original) CC
then these are used in the last Transform to “get” the correct Channel & Id in a sort of “just in time delivery” way
PS. See these and other techniques in the Virtual Mappings Techniques topic