I am trying to transform cc#11 to be cc#1 both on channel 1. I am running into 2 problems. First problem is that whenever I attempt to monitor activity, the CC is controlling the scrolling on my Mac. That is, the last option bar that I selected. Problem 2 I can’t seem to select the correct options in Transform for this to work. Please help someone
Hey, @Benjaminam,
Sounds strange
Trying to picture what your problem is:
does “option bar” mean some property field in the Properties window
or that the Monitor pane…
...is scrolling like this when you select a pipe?
(from New to Midihub: Step-by-Step.03: Monitoring incoming messages)
Problem 2 I can’t seem to select the correct options in Transform for this to work
your Transform:
In the Screenshot, take a look at:
Work with Any Channel
andWork with Channel
“only work with channel 1” -
Work with CC Number in Range Low|High
“only work with CC11-CC11” -
Set CC Number to
andArgument 1
“set CC# → 1”
maybe check out…
Transform Tutorial and Cookbook Development Topic
…still under development so can’t guarantee it makes sense but you might find sthg useful there.
welcome to Midihub, btw!
Hey, thank you so much for the reply! This totally fix my problem and also informed me what was going wrong with my other problem. I misunderstood what the mapping functions were in the software. It’s funny in retrospect I thought I was setting the destinations and source for my CC. it turns out that I was mapping the functions in midi hub. Anyhow, thanks again.
Aah, I get your scrolling thing now!