Pure Data patch with parameters in the Pisound App


Image found on https://www.pexels.com/photo/multicolored-smoke-1020315/

Goal: Build a simple PD patch demonstrating the different kinds of parameters available and getting them into the App.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Optimized for Headless Use: Yes

Recommended Raspberry Pi Models:

  • Raspberry PI 3B+
  • Raspberry PI 3B

Required Hardware:

  • Pisound
  • Raspberry Pi w/ power supply and micro SD card
  • Windows, macOS or Linux computer to connect via VNC, or monitor, keyboard and mouse to work directly.
  • Android device to run the Pisound App.

Required Software:

Patch Download:

You may download the full patch here: https://patchstorage.com/basic/, but do go through the steps, they contain useful information in case you’d like to develop a patch from scratch.

Step 00: Updating if necessary

Make sure you have 1.03-2 version of the pisound-ctl package, in a terminal, run:

dpkg -s pisound-ctl

it should say:

Version: 1.03-2

If it’s a lower number than that, run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pisound-ctl

and it should upgrade it.

Step 01: Creating the patch files

In this step, we’ll create a set of files as a starting point for a brand new patch. You may find more detailed information on blokas.yml here.

  1. Launch a terminal, or connect via ssh

  2. Execute the following commands:

     cd /usr/local/puredata-patches
     sudo mkdir -p basic
     cd basic
     echo "#N canvas 2 95 450 300 10;" | sudo tee basic.pd
     sudo wget https://community.blokas.io/uploads/default/original/1X/8ea6c9dba43a1dcbf74232635bba1260d0524a62.jpeg -O basic.jpeg
     sudo nano /usr/local/puredata-patches/basic/blokas.yml

    This will create a placeholder basic.pd file, and open blokas.yml for editing, fill out the information and hit ctrl+o to save and ctrl+x to exit:

     name: Basic patch
     author: Giedrius
     entry: basic.pd
     image: basic.jpeg
     description: |
         A demo patch for the controls.
         - simple
         - controls
         - demo

    The file is following YAML syntax and should be self explanatory. The only 2 required fields are ‘name’ and ‘entry’, the rest of the information is used for nice display of the patch in the App.


Step 02: Launch the placeholder patch via the App


Make sure you are connected via VNC or are using monitor, keyboard or mouse with Pisound before launching the patch via the App, otherwise, Pure Data will get launched with ‘-nogui’ option, in that case, you can stop and start the patch again once the graphical environment is up.

Once launched, basic.pd should appear on the top left corner of the screen as an empty Pure Data patch.

Step 03: Get the Virtual MIDI keyboard in the App to appear

If on launching, the patch launched uses either [r notes] or [notein] Pure Data objects, the Virtual MIDI keyboard will be enabled in the App, so let’s create a [notein] object in the patch and relaunch it:

  1. In basic.pd, create [notein] object.
  2. Save now, stopping the patch via the App won’t show confirmation dialog.
  3. Stop and start the patch via the App, to get the Virtual MIDI keyboard to appear.


Step 04: Build a basic patch

Let’s first build a simple patch, and we’ll add in the controls that are visible in the App in the next step.


This patch uses 4 kinds of controls:

Symbol Type Range Description
sound_on bool 0, 1 Sound on / off control
transpose int -12 - 12 Transpose amount of MIDI Note value
volume float 0 - 1 Volume control
middle_c_btn bool / button 0, 1 Plays Middle C (MIDI Note 60) when triggered

The graphical controls in the patch have send/receive symbols set to match the symbol names in the above table, for example the Properties window of Volume looks like this:


Step 05: Adding the controls to the App

Real-time controls and MIDI mapping functionality are implemented using @thetechnobear MEC package. You may find more information on the -rack.json, -module.json, the [monorack] abstraction here.

  1. First we have to pick the name that we’ll use to define the module, it will be needed to name the param definition files and creating the [monorack] object. In our case, we can pick ‘basic’.

  2. Now let’s create the param definition files:

    sudo touch /usr/local/puredata-patches/basic/basic-rack.json
    sudo nano /usr/local/puredata-patches/basic/basic-module.json

    Fill in the parameter data:

        "name" : "basic",
        "display" : "Basic",
        "parameters" : [
            ["bool","middle_c_btn","Middle C",0]
        "pages" : [
            ["pg_main_inv","Main Inv",["middle_c_btn","transpose","volume","sound_on"]]

    This defines the 4 parameters as described above, and puts them in 2 pages, just to demonstrate how to have more than one page of parameters. Keep an eye on the ‘,’ at the end of the lines, JSON syntax is very strict on their placement.

  3. Now let’s get the controls plugin loaded into the patch, to do that, we have to first declare that we’ll be using PD externals from ‘blokas’ subfolder in PD standard externals folder (’/usr/lib/pd/extra’) and afterwards create the [monorack basic] object to load in the parameter definitions:


At this stage, restarting the patch will display the controls in the App, and they will be already usable, because we used [r param_name] and param_name for send/receive symbols in the GUI controls. Hitting the refresh in [monorack] object causes reload of the param definitions file, if it was changed, and there is no syntax errors, the controls should get updated in the Pisound App immediately.


For easier debugging / testing of the patch, we may add [ktrl param_name] objects, in case param_name is a valid parameter, it will automatically set the lower and upper range of the horizontal slider according to what is set in -module.json, as well as shows the display name. In case the param_name was not found, it will show <unknown> instead of the param display name, hinting at a typo or syntax error in -module.json.


Step 06: Rules of thumb for great control integration into a patch

Here’s a few good guidelines to keep in mind when adding controls to patches:

  • The controls should be integrated in such a way that the App or simply [ktrl] objects should be enough to start playing around with the patch.
    • If the patch can be fully controlled using [ktrl] objects, that generally means it will work great with the App too, as long as the pages are defined correctly.
  • If a patch already has GUI controls (like MiniMoog or ArpOdyssey did), working with either the pre-existing GUI controls or [ktrl] objects or the controls in the App should cause the changes to appear in all places, regardless of which input method was used.

This is it!

Once you get the hang of the param definitions file and the [monorack] object, getting controls integrated into new or existing patches will become a pretty straightforward thing to do. To get a better hang of it, you may practice adding controls by retrofitting some of the existing patches with control objects.


4 posts were split to a new topic: MEC and Orac integration possibilities

I think I’m going to have to find an android device somewhere… :slight_smile:


Hi, I followed the tutorial and the Basic patch works smoothly in the pi, however if I open the basic.pd file either in the pi or in my Mac the ktrl object displays ‘unknown’ . I am having problems enabling controls in the following patch ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/nisclvsqezj7ga4/Rhodey%202.zip?dl=0 ) and that issue is making debugging a bit more confusing.
edit: just realised that it doesn’t work in Mac because I miss some MEC files (KontrolRack, KontrolModule), but I still don’t understand why I see the same on my Raspberry pi.

The <unknown> part is supposed to be replaced after connecting with MEC. You may have to hit refresh button in monorack object.

On Raspberry Pi, is MEC running? (run ps -ef | grep mec-app to see whether you get it listed)

Internally, the ‘ktrl’ objects simply send the named parameters when they are being changed, equivalent to [s volume] for example. The addition functionality that they provide is that they automatically take the min max range for the slider from MEC, as well as the display name, and it reacts to parameter changes done externally (elsewhere in the patch or via the app).

So when debugging on a non RPi devic, you could instead wire up a slider manually that would send the same message as the ‘ktrl’ objects.

ok, I managed to have the ktrl object in the basic patch to display the name of the parameter but I still can’t do that for the patch I’m importing in Pi (rhodey). If I leave out the rhodey-module.json from the rhodey folder I can play rhodey using the keyboard of the pisound android app, but if I add the rhodey-module.json file the android app doesn’t open the patch anymore and it just goes black. I really don’t understand what’s the problem. This is the json file:

There’s a syntax error at knob2, swap the , and the ". The json format has a very strict syntax, if there’s a mistake somewhere, all of the controls won’t be visible.

If that doesn’t help, you may check the logs of pisound-ctl service by running:

sudo journalctl -u pisound-ctl
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It was just a syntax error indeed, thanks for pointing out :blush:

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Hey, I get an error ‘Error starting patch (-10)’ when trying to start the basic patch from the tutorial.
I copied everything and I can run basic.pd when the file is empty. But as soon as I add the notein object it doesn’t work anymore and I get the error…

I am using a Pi4 running the latest image of patchbox OS.

Any idea what is causing the problem ?


Check the output of:

sudo journalctl -u pisound-ctl

This error code seems to indicate an error in blokas.yml file or the basic-module.json, but you should be able to see more information in the log using the above command.

Okay so I checked blokas.yml, everything seemed fine so I didn’t change anything and closed it. Then I ran your command and tried again and now it works. Weird I don’t know what was wrong but it works now…

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Hi i need help the controls won’t show up, i need them for my thesis. I made a basic gain to test ur tutorial. I include a picture of my worke. (the rack.json is empty). So can u pls help me i have no idea what i did wrong.

What sort of text output do you get in the main PD window (or the Console tab in the app)?

Does moving the Gain slider inside PD work? Do the values change?

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The silder works in pd and values change.

i have no idea why it wants to load basic i didnt rename a old .json file or anything

Change [monorack basic] to [monorack gain] in the PD patch

Ahh i am dum. Thanks man.

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I stuck on step 02: I can´t see the basic.pd on my android app :frowning:

Make sure every file is at the expected location and correct contents. :slight_smile:

You may upload whatever you currently have in your /usr/local/puredata-patches/basic/, we’ll see if we can spot any issue.

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