Pi 4 or 5 for pisound

Ok, what I did was that I installed the official cooler and modified it:

I also trimmed the jack sockets from pisound and covered then with insulation tape:

The ssd bottom went ok, below the pisound case (this has the shim fan btw):

I have only tested now that audio works, and it seemed to work a lot better than in rpi 3 in which I got some inteference from some where). I also tested a little the cooling and when I ran video from youtube in full screen it rose to 61C max, you could hear the fan, but no audio interference and it was quite quiet still:

So it seems to be working pretty good, though zero audio thingies done

edit. It plays csound with usb midi a lot better, than rpi 3 did with patchbox (I installed PiOS for now). Really happy with this :slight_smile: