Patchbox Pure data module errors

Trying to auto start a Pure data patch. placed the main.pd patch in the usr/local/pure data patches folder and then start patchbox as per the following screenshots. But ends in an error. I got this error whenI first installed patchbox and ran it for the first time.

I know this is an old thread but in case this is helpful for someone in the future, this is how I resolved this same issue for myself. Full disclosure: I’m a total linux newb, so some of this might not have been necessary or may’ve even been done incorrectly. I cobbled the solution together from other forum posts.

This is an error caused by the admidiminder service. You will need to edit the patchbox module config file located at /usr/local/patchbox-modules/puredata/patchbox-module.json

There is a line in that file that reads:


amidiminder requires a config parameter, so replace that line with:

            "service": "amidiminder.service",
            "config": "ammconfig"

Then create a file in that same folder/directory called “ammconfig.” Within this new file, put the following line and then save the file:

.hw <---> .app

If you’re dumb like me, you probably won’t know how to edit that config file or create the new file in that location because the os will tell you that you don’t have the appropriate privileges. It’s probably not a best practice, but I opened a terminal at the /usr/local/patchbox-modules/puredata/ location and ran the following command:

sudo chown patch *.*

(where “patch” is your username. “patch” is the default patchbox os username at least).

Hope this is helpful to someone some day!

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Thank you for this!

Well, it stopped working for some reason.

It works again…….

How can I load my own pure data patches?

Do I have to create my own module???

Can’t find any info anywhere

I should be able to put my patch in the puredata-patches folder right???

Ok, calling it main.pd seems to work