Orac 2.0 for the Raspberry PI

Finally got ORAC installed on a Pi last night and it’s so awesome! I am having a weird issue with the PD controller though. Every time I go back to a page it resets the parameters for the page (and subsequently, the sound of the module) so i’m having to go through and patch in one direction (can’t go back to make any tweaks). Any ideas?

that’s really odd… never seen that happening before…

hmm, I did put out a new version of the pd desktop patch, perhaps this is having an odd side-effect - but seems unlikely - but i’ll test it to double check.

@thetechnobear did a little more troubleshooting and found that the PD client on master is working just fine. Is the one on patchstorage on the dev branch? I seem to be up and running with that one (master) though :crossed_fingers:

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hmm, interesting - yeah that’s the newer one - it was tested with a newer version of the software, but it should have been ok with the current version of orac.
need to test it again to see whats going on…

thanks for the report, and also letting me know the version on master is ok, will help me debug it :slight_smile:

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No problem! I was digging through the diff of ctrl.pd myself a bit but didn’t reach any conclusions myself but I must admit def not versed enough in pd (yet)

want to use Orac with your eurorack :slight_smile:


Im previewing ‘cvtools’ a collection of modules for orac…
there will be a video shortly, on my youtube channel,
but for now Ive put the details on the C&G website, as Ive been doing the work on the Organelle.

it should work fine on the rPI, as long as your DC couple audio interface is working already.

setup is slightly different for rPI, you’ll have to edit the main orac.service file currently to specify a different audio interface… perhaps we can think of something a bit more friendly later :wink:


Can you use a AC audio interface with a AC encoder?
This link explain what i´m saying… https://www.expert-sleepers.co.uk/siwaacencoder.html

not currently…

basically this requires me to modulate the DC on a AC signal, but whilst I’ve sound descriptions of the hardware required - I’ve not seen specifics of how to modulate the AC modulation - and I don’t have the hardware to test it out.

if someone can tell me the specifics (e.g. frequency of AC carrier wave)

The circuit is a Envelope detector…

The AM signal is processed and transformed to a rudimental DC (positive) signal.
You might need a oscilloscope to check if this trick is working.

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Hi everyone, does anybody knows how to

  1. Send midithru message on midiout
  2. Add line in sound to the orac mix.

go to the router (module s1)

  1. midi ‘thru’ (fo/r midi notes)
    on a particular chain, check that midi in is ON, and the midi in and out channel is set to non-zero
    if the chain just has ‘empty’ modules then midi notes will flow thru, if you have a synth in the chain, then you will need to set note-thru =on , on the synth module in the router (e.g. a1)
    it wont sent thru other midi cc etc… if you want to do that id suggest setting this up with alsa as it be more efficient… (why go alsa -> pd (orac) -> alsa)

  2. audio in
    in the router go to the relevant chain, and turn up the input gain
    then audio will flow thru the chain.
    (there is an audio thru, again for synths modules that usually wont pass the audio thru)

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I want to send clock (start, etc)from a midi out controler to a drumbox via midi out of the pisound and play the sound of the drumbox mixed with the orac without lost the three midi chanel. The drum box as another midi chanel, is that possible with your tips?

audio, sure do as i said for 2.

midi, i would send directly via alsa… as it makes no sense (=introduces latency) to do the
routing in pd/orac

look at the aconnect command…

btw: if your using PatchboxOS, then i thought this would happen automatically,
as amidiauto by default connects everything to everything else?!

The audio in work fine thanks. But i tryed every configuration possible (master midi in, slave midi out. Master usb. Master and slave usb…) and the clock doesnt pass thru. I use pisound with patchbox os btw :wink:

Can you tell me more about the aconnect please?

It connects by default only MIDI software with hardware MIDI ports. In case you want hardware to be connected to hardware, you’ll have to set up the rule in /etc/amidiauto.conf.

See this thread: Midi connection manager - #16 by magino, it should contain everything you need to know.

Keep in mind that when activating ORAC, the config from /usr/local/patchbox-modules/orac/amidiauto.conf gets copied to /etc/amidiauto.conf.

ok thank you! i jump to the thead because it’sstill not totally clear to me!

Ok I’ve got cvtools installed and working with pisound. Still kinda scratching my head on how routing would be done for the left and right inputs. As one for note, one for mod. I’ll keep twiddling.

What are you trying to do precisely?

Note: The pisound hat is not dc coupled so won’t work for cv
I’m using an ES8 but any dc coulpled audio interface should work.

I swear I read it was, must be the Mandela Effect. It does seem to be working. I’m not sure how well for pitch since I have been trying out with an SQ1 by itself.