Would Patchbox, especially MODEP, be usable for a real-time voice changer?

I’m specifically looking to create a real time voice changer to portray a Dalek from Doctor Who in a theatrical setting, and was wondering if Patchbox on a RPi would work for this. The sound processing needs are pretty simple (ring modulation + distortion, see: How to speak like a Dalek – a ring modulator tutorial for Audacity on a Mac | Richard Loxley Ltd)

Apologies for the newbie question - if this is viable, any help on making it work would be appreciated! Thanks so much :slight_smile:

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@Asher_Stuhlman welcome to the Blokas community!

Please tell me you’re creating “Dr. Who The Musical”! I’ve been a big Dr. Who fan for decades!

Anyway, the RPi with Patchbox/MODEP should work fine for this. There’s already a ring modulator in Patchstorage and there are numerous distortion plugins as well.

You’ll need some type of sound capture device then route the output to your mixing console. An inexpensive USB device with mic input would work well. You could also just use the audio jack on the Pi but the quality might not be as good.

If you get it to work I would love to hear your results!

I use as a vocal FX controlled by IPAD