Using without the app

As much as I’d love to use the app, I seem to be in the minority who can’t get my phone paired via bluetooth. I’ve been through multiple fresh installs, with or without installing modules and nothing seems to work.

The latest posts on this subject seem to indicate that the team just can’t replicate the issue and there’s no resolution.

So I’m wondering what I’m missing. I’ve used the web app with MODEP and making pedal board configs are pretty awesome. I’m also seeing some other general file/project management there too.

Personally I don’t really mind using web only as long as I can do everything. I like the aspect of loading different MODEP configurations. I’m also getting into Sonic Pi and would like to be able to launch different scripts in that, headless. I’m not even sure if the app could do that regardless, so maybe I’m not missing anything.

Additionally I am a web developer, and I expected to have to put a bit of work into whatever custom setup I wanted anyway. I think I’m understanding that Patchbox runs a server for the app - is this a REST or even websocket based API that can be played with? And if so, any API docs?

Thanks! I’m really digging this project, I just want to understand what’s provided before I go and tweak things for what I want