Upgrade Bullseye?


been a while since using my pisound

I received a mail saying there was a bullseye update but how do I update it ?

I did a apt update/upgrade/distupgrade of my raspbian dist

as I do to the config and enter the update menu I get this

I am not sure it is ok

then as I go to “more info” I get this

any idea how to fix this ?

thanks for your help

The upgrade path between Debian releases is not supported, and it’s not supported by RPi foundation for their Pi OS either.

The way to update to Bullseye is to backup all your stuff (or start on a new SD card), flash the new image, and install anything you need into the system.

If you’d like to stick to Buster, then edit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/blokas.list to have the following contents:

deb http://apt.blokas.io/buster/ rpi main

ok thanks, I’ll do that

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