TR-8s / External keyboard / convert note to Tune CC

Blockquote > 96 = BD CTRL
20 = BD TUNE
so is this Fine vs Coarse?

It is Fine or Coarse
tune is a set Knob (CC20) and coarse is a a parameter that you can assign to the control knob (CC96).


We are getting closer with your latest .mhp as you can see in the below video.

Not sure you can hear well but changing the argument 2 on the “Transform” modifier does change the note or pitch.
We need to find a way to assign the Squid pads (F1 to C#1) to change the value of the CC message 96.

BlockquotePS. where does the quote in the quote come from?

Which quote do you refer to ?

this bit in quotes now in bold:

[quote=“Alexandre_S, post:22, topic:3915”]
Once again the trick apparently to play a BassDrum (for example) chromatically is to “have to program your midi controller to send CC 96 to change the pitch and then send MIDI note 36 to trigger the BD. You’d have to basically do this for each pad and hope that the tr8s can handle hitting two pads at once or in quick succession while tuning is being changed.”[/quote]

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It is from a forum, I have tried to summarize info I gather here and there.

“The midi chart
shows that tuning of individual instruments is done with CC messages. To play a Low Tom (for example) chromatically you’d have to program your midi controller to send CC 29 to change the pitch and then send MIDI note 43 to trigger the Low Tom. You’d have to basically do this for each pad and hope that the tr8s can handle hitting two pads at once or in quick succession while tuning is being changed”

OK, I’m assuming this is based on C3 = 60 (see Menu View → Note Value Display)
I’m also assuming you mean C#2 (as F1 > C#1)
(btw, Using Note Numbers avoids confusion between standards, etc)

This is your basis (for one “voice” ie BD)…
AlexandreS_TR8S_tune_Expt1.mhp (1.6 KB)
…but depends on how “accurate” you want your tones to be†.

When you’ve got it working, try Saving As say ‘AlexandreS_TR8S_tune_Expt1_LT.mhp’
and using CC#102 LT CTRL and Remap → Note43

†If you’re less fussy you can do away with all the single note Transforms and just use a Rescale. More on that later.

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I find that way to modify notes.
What can we do now to change notes when we press pads ?

regarding the 4 test notes it doesn’t change notes/pitch

your manual changing of the Arg2 clearly is changing the pitch…
Therefore you need to find when each of the 4 Transforms is sending it’s CC

They are deliberately set respond to one note only. (Keep them as Inside Range)

Start to use your MIDI Monitor to examine each in turn to see when each is (best to use single pad hits rather than a sequence) creating a CC
(Keep Note Value Display = Note Number; it avoids confusion)

Later I’ll send you a Rescale version which will give approximate tones more easily.

What is your in-going note# range?

  • F1 → C#2 = 42-49 (C3 = 60)
  • F1 → C#2 = 30-37 (C4= 60)
  • F1 → C#2 = 18-25 (C5= 60)

If you don’t know use MIDI monitor to find out.

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