Swap midi note for sequenced one

Hello! I have two devices connected to the Midihub’s inputs: an SPD-SX and a Keystep Pro. I need to replace the note that’s sent from the SPD-SX (whenever I hit a pad) with the note that’s currently being output by the Keystep Pro’s sequencer at that time. Is this possible? Thanks!

Yeah, probably

Exactly how depends on what precise set-up you want:

  • What happens with the KSP notes when an SPD pad isn’t hit?
    just ignored?
    (or is the plan to have KSP playing one voice while the SPD picks out “mirror notes” on another?)

  • As pad hit probably not at precise time of KSP note, what is designed behaviour:
    “store the note just played” or “wait for the next” ?

  • a few extra considerations:
    • what happens if KSP sequence plays a chord?
    • if a Pad is hit twice (before a new seq note) does the same note sound again?
    • does Note velocity come from KSP sew (ie. does SPD pad act as just a switch )

Whatever the plan turns out to be, it will involve virtual mappings, IMO.
(for example, these would be used to “store” the KSP note value & velocity in the “just played” scenario in a Transform pipe’s Arguments awaiting an incoming SPD Note On)

PS. haven’t talked about Note Length yet

Hey friend! Thank you for your response.

So, what I wanted to do is based off of what I used to do with a modular system, in which I had a midi note (any note) from the SPD converted into a CV gate signal and a CV pitch sequence from the KSP driving a synth voice. So it would play the note of the running pitch sequence, but its VCA would only open when I hit the SPD.

I would say:

  • When a pad isn’t hit the KSP notes are ignored
  • When a pad is hit, the note played should be the last one played by the KSP, altough I get what you mean - if I hit the pad after the sequenced note changes it’s fine, but if I hit it right before it changes I won’t get the new note - I can’t think of any solution to this problem
  • Chords are not a problem, this is meant to drive a monophonic voice
  • 2 pad hits on the same sequence note fires the same note twice, yes
  • Note velocity should come from the SPD pad

I’m really curious about how you would do this.
Thanks again.

OK, do you want just some hints on how to do this…

…or a preset/patch actually sketched out (steals some of the satisfaction :wink:)?


busy later so here's a hint

here’s a crappy little mov showing the Arg1 in the SPD pipeline changing as notes come into the SEQ line

the filters are there just cos

  • the sequencer I have to hand is throwing out multiple channels and
  • I wanted to only allow Note On into the SPD line

realised I’d forgotten to make the Transform a Replace, so here’s a version showing notes in the Monitor

(to see the correspondence between the mapped value and the Note effect, it’s probably best to drag the movie slider rather than play the clip)

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Hey! Sorry for the delay, been held back by work stuff.
Your example patch is amazing! thank you for getting that together with the videos and all, really helped a ton.

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Pleased to help you figure it out.

Slava Midihub!