i know its a known problem, but did someone successfully got supercollider working?
I am testing SuperCollider on a Raspi 5, with 2024-04-04-Patchbox,
and it seems the class library compile works,
only the help renderer is what is crashing.
If you don’t need the help files immediately, you can try this:
- In Terminal:
go to SuperCollider installation
cd /usr/share/SuperCollider
rename HelpSource so SC does not find it
sudo mv HelpSource HelpOFF
Start SuperCollider IDE - should not crash now - and run these lines:
s.boot; // server should boot
( ).play; // and play a note
{ Saw.ar([110, 111]) * 0.2 }.play; // or a synth
at least one can work this way then.
to get help to work, one could copy over rendered Help folder,
or figure out which help files crash the rendering,
and fix those in SC.
hope this helps,
best adc
- Found a temp fix:
go to .local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions,
and place a file there, called
extIndexAllDocumentsOFF.sc, with this content:
+ SCDoc {
indexAllDocuments {
"SCDoc.indexAllDocuments overwritten to do nothing, as temp fix for patchbox 2024-04-04".postln
that disables the method that crashes SC on startup, which at least makes SC usable.
It disables help in general, so a real fix would be very useful.
thanks for your expensive reply ill try it soon!
OP–curious if you were able to try the above and if so, if either method worked? Having the same issue, and neither of those approaches worked for me.
Here it also says that the web interfaces aren’t compatible with rpi. Also gives u a guide!
yes. I built it like the guide says, works perfectly. Also u dont need help in embedded situations. If u do, u should change the kernel pagesize to 4k, and the basic supercollider with help will run flawlessly.
hm not reallyl, and it reather looks like a gui error, try running the terminal version of sc, does the sound work ok?
well, I’ve now connected a display over HDMI and it seems to work now. Maybe it was some VNC bug, have to test further to find out. Indeed it was only graphical, SC itself functions as expected. Thanks!