Actually, in terms of use, the two presets are opposites of each each other. One will have USB -A sound, and on pedal down, hold, and enable midi out B. The other does the reverse. Otherwise, they are the same.
The problem child is the preset that tries to do this with channel one and channel 2 of USB A… For some reason the notes are not sent to channel 2, when pedal down. Or they are sent but not heard (that is an extremely non-technical statement). What do you think might be going on here? thanks! Peter Pje Prst#4 ch1->cc69->ch 2.mhp (516 Bytes)
Please help narrow this down by providing screenshot of the patch when in held-down state and MID monitor shots of the relevant pipes as Notes are played in this state.
After taking numerous pictures and explanation, I finally figured out that the problem is in my end in channel assignments. My pedal down input was channel 2, and output was channel 2. The output should’ve been channel one. I apologize for taking up your precious time. My bad.