Strange sustained notes

BomBox Combo.mhp (1.2 KB)
Problem with notes delayed.pdf (233.6 KB)


I’m experiencing a strange delay condition:
When I repeatedly press staccato triads, after a while the sounds suddenly start to sustain longer as they should.

I’m cascading a BomeBox and a Blokas MidiHub:

In the attached PDF, in Example 1, you first see the three notes as they leave the BomeBox (in black), followed by the MIDI monitor output of the Blokas MidiHub. As you can see, the notes and volumes of the three note-on’s and note-off’s correspond, but not so the timing. As the BomeBox shows a difference of about 40 ms between on and off note commands, the Blokas Midihub shows a difference of about 360 ms.

In the second example, the BomeBox shows a difference of about 50 ms, whereas the Blokas MidiHub delays all note-on’s and note-off’s by about 320 ms, except the first note-on.

What do you think happens here?


A couple of questions, Alexander, to help @Giedrius get on this:

What’s the MIDI Monitor say at the MIDI-DIN Input pipe? (ie. are the strange note lengths occurring before the events arrive at MH? – I don’t know BomeBox or where it does its monitoring)
Indeed, does the problem occur if you remove BB from the chain?

As you make the notes “less staccato”, at what point does the behaviour return to expected?

In the meantime, I’ve found out that the problem must actually be in the Bome Box, and not in the MidiHub.

I have the condition only when I use the Bome Box with a WIFI connection and when the processing is actually done remotely in a PC program called Bome MIDI Translator Pro. But I can’t see it because what is displayed does not correspond to what’s sent.

However when I transfer the processing to the Bome Box itself by sending the translator program to the box and disconnect the box from WiFi the problem disappeared.

I will check with the Bome community. Thank you for your reply.
