Hi i’m looking for a way to set a specific CC value at the startup of a patch when it’s loaded.
For example, if my CC knob is curently at 90 but I want the patch to set it automatically at 0 anytime I load it with the Midihub button, what’ should I do to force this value (ignoring the actual CC value ?
The other difficulty is that the value of this CC knob is permanenlty MIDI looped to detect its position in permancence because I use this patch
So maybe there must be a condition to ignore the CC value until the user (me) starts to turn the knob and not before.
where an LFO sends out a CC which can be used to set your initial conditions
but the CC is then also used to LFO Bypass itself via a virtual mapping
Why I don’t like it:
I keep thinking there’s gotta be better way but I’m not seeing it
you need to save the preset before it disables the LFO…
…and you need to do this every time you edit it! (That’s why I’ve got the extra mapping below~ so I can keep re-enabling while I selectStore to Preset..!)
the technique seems to work when you change a preset via the Button…
…but not when you switch on and that preset is the current one
(dunno why this should be)
So, I’d much rather go down the second route…
…but I don’t really understand what you mean by that.
Maybe upload a simple version of your patch with a note about what messages would do what and when (and whether they’d only do this the very first time!)?
I don’t know if it’s understandable : here is the part of my patch that is concerned
My initial CC that I want to init it’s value each time the concerned patch is loaded is the CC 100 (= CC 119 because he’s transformed into 119 and I totally forgot why, there must be a reason … but whatever, I don’t care)
I want that this cc is loaded with the minimum value (0 or 1 if it’s the minimum)
And I only want to reinitialise this default value (until the CC is modified again) each time the concerned midihub preset is loaded
Hey, @GJ106,
I’ll try to take a look at this tomorrow and remind myself properly about the task.
In the meantime, can you confirm you want your CC127 → 1 to be triggered just by the patch loading (rather than any specific input like CC100 → CC119 )?
CC 119 because he’s transformed into 119 and I totally forgot why, there must be a reason …
Just a guess, but if this patch was originally a physical loopback you would change the CC to stop feedback
Patch MIDI hub need to initialise the CC at startup at a specific value for CC 100 transformed into 119.mhp
When you mean CC 127 , it’s the value of the CC or the CC number ? But I guess you mean CC value, so yes, I want that it initialize the patch with value 1
I want this CC to be triggered, not only by the patch loading, but also when I want whenever the patch is active by modifying the CC 110 or 119 with my button, as I used to do
and …
Yes you’re right ! good guess
HAHAHA Thanks ! I also like your nickname… always reminds me this wonderful and intense track of Unwerworld Juanita (album version)
“Resonator, resonator, resonator …”
Very Reich-esque track
I’ve copied just a few lines from yours and added:
a Square LFO which sends a CC value = 0 out to Virtual G to then map to
the various CH REMAP pipes
(note I added a Ch1 mapping to each of these)*
An extra Transform in the main mapping line.
This creates a Disable LFO mapping as soon as CC110 comes in ‘MASTER KEYB’
a last (throwaway) line just for testing so we can see the LED is flashing when loading the patch in various ways(Button, PC, Switch On)
then I think to myself “if the only thing these created CC127 values are doing is setting an internal value/property, surely the saved state of the patch itself does that”.
I think I initially thought the task was to send out a value on loading.
Am I missing something here?
Anyways, the LFO idea will do this – as long as you’re OK with it sending out the same value repeatedly until you turn a knob and cancel it.
I didn’t bother adding an extra CH REMAP in the LFO line because I noticed you can make some savings now you don’t need the physical loopback (no need for CC REMAP or using a special Channel).
Plus it can look like this…
…which leaves you some more pipes to play with
always reminds me this wonderful and intense track of Undwerworld
Thx for that. Evocative lyrics after those lines.
le nom “resonotter”: J’imagine une loutre jouant avec un résonateur (which is daft in itself cos it’s just about my only box that doesn’t talk MIDI)!
Yes ! it’s was the main goal :
Because actually when I load the patch 1, event if my CC button on my keyboard is set to 1 or 0, it loads the patch with the 127 value and that leads to load the unwanted default midi channel which is supposed to be 1. and not 6, 7 or 6+7
When I play live I always have to remove the button of the 100 th CC to have my channel 1 back and it’s super annoying because I change some presets during a song, sometimes.
Ok let me check the rest ! I will tell you if it"s work
I didn’t now that was the english word for “loutre” !
By the way thanks for your ideas, which are always amazing and inspiring
It works!
I apologize if I wasn’t clear enough before.
You used CC 127, but I had to change it to CC 119 and adjust some values that weren’t appropriate.
Additionally, you removed some important parts of my patch, but it’s obvious since I didn’t provide details about my setup and how I use it.
Anyway, thank you so much for your help—I owe you big time.
I used the patch for my first set, and it went like a breeze !
I’ve copied just a few lines from yours and added…
(easier for you to then see the changes I mentioned)
Glad to hear you’ve got an improved patch.
If you PM/reply with your latest, I’ll post you back a version with some shortcuts I spotted in your previous
La Loutre Résonant!
Remind me: which of the pipelines only send out notes?
Thanks ! I think that Midihub editor really misses some comments lines between pipes, to explain what we do at each line (if needed) it’s ultra annoying not having some line / sections separators.
I use to put some bypassed LFO as separators, but when I’m running out of pipes, that becomes a problem.
This and the ability to send complex sysex messages !