Hi all, just making sure I have my MIDI hub set up properly. I have 3 synths and then 1 midi thru box with synths that I control from my MIDI controller via USB. The thru box is A.
So for A, I just have that output on the MIDI hub going to A. In The editor I have it set as From USB A to DIN A output.
The slightly more complex thing I want to do is use sysex plugin editors in ableton to send and receive from my romplers so I can edit them and see the updates from the synth in the synths plugin editor. I want to do this without any loop back since I send and receive sysex patches to them as well.
Is this the proper way to do this ? :
I have a Rompler DIN midi out going to the MIDI hub’s B input. I then have the output from MIDI hub B going into the Rompler’s input. In the midi hub editor I have “From DIN B” going “to DIN B”. This would be so I can send sysex back and forth to the synth.
My other question is how can I play the synth with my midi controller? Do I need to use the output of my interface for that? What is confusing is that in ableton it seems like I can use any of the 4 MIDIhub ports to send to any of the synths as long as the proper midi channel is selected.
Its all pretty confusing, so any help apreciated. If I can play my synths and also use the sysex editors so I have a gui that shows me the synth and each path details that I am loading, I’d be really happy.