Set a CC for exactly one bar from a note event

Hi there, I want to set a CC (from 0 to 127) for exactly one bar length, triggered by a note event.

I thought I could use a length-pipe (set to 1 bar) first, and then use transform to convert to CC.

But that does not work. CC goes high, but never resets to zero again?

2024-11-06 19_53_47-Window

I tried with one transform and what set to note on and off, and I also tried with separate transforms for on and off event.

From what I can gather, the note-off triggers to soon, not after one bar?
Am I doing something wrong? Are there better ways to go about this?

Bonus-question: is there some way to quantize this, so the CC goes high at the next bar’s beginning, and low at its end?

Thanks in advance

Hey @0x4a

Here’s a couple of approaches you could experiment with:

  • Fix the velocity at 127, use Delay and then Transform for 127/0 based on the delayed note velocity (eg 63-64, 31-32)

  • Use a 2-bar One Shot LFO (SawUp 180° phase) and Transform the time-values you want for 127/0

I mostly use the latter but, having said that, when I was developing a patch for successive DMX light phases, I used Note lengths cos I found them more accurate†
(so I was surprised by “the note-off triggers too soon” - would you upload the patch?)

† not LFO’s fault, it’s all about 127/128 bar!

PS. Controller is providing Clock?


This. If there’s no Clock, synced Note Length automatically adds a Note Off event, so make sure the Clocks are flowing. Use the MIDI monitor to know for sure.