Raspbery Pi 5 Pure Data from rc.local no sound

hi there

i am running headless PD on patchbox os 2024 on rpi5

my pd patch consists midi processing and for that amidiminder take cares of it

as for audio part of my patch i cannot make it work while started from rc.local

but just after boot is complete,i do htop and i can see pd and jack process running but no sound is coming out

when ssh to it ,sudo killall pd ,and then pd -nogui -open “mypatch”,it works right away

any ideas?
,i have spent whole day allready trying everything i found/can ,and it seems there is only problem when i try to launch it from rc.local

What’s the contents of your rc.local?

It might be simpler to launch it as Pure Data module via patchbox, place your PD file in /usr/local/puredata-patches/<your_subfolder>/main.pd

my rc.local


sudo modprobe snd-virmidi index=5 midi_devs=1

sleep 10

amidiminder -f /etc/amidiminder.rules -C

#pd -noaudio -midiindev 1,2,3,4 -midioutdev 1,2,3,4 -alsamidi -nogui -path ~/Documents/Pd/externals/else -lib else -nrt -verbose -d 4 /home/pd/pi4midi.pd &

pd -jackconnect -midiindev 1,2,3,4,5 -midioutdev 1,2,3,4,5 -alsamidi -nogui -path /home/patch/Documents/Pd/externals/ -lib else /home/pd/pi4midibox.pd &

#pd -noaudio -midiindev 1,2,3,4 -midioutdev 1,2,3,4 -alsamidi -nogui -nrt -batch &

amidiminder -f /etc/amidiminder.rules -C
sudo systemctl restart amidiminder
sudo systemctl restart raveloxmidi.service

exit 0

when i try patchbox modules pd i get this

i did update patch os before

i tried that as well

but to no avail


i installed Pi os 64 bookworm lite with pulseaudio,and run pd with -pa and this way it works


Fixed this in patchbox-cli package, the fix is available since version 1.4.0-5. You can run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install patchbox-cli

to get the fix.

Btw, in our experience, the Jack audio backend provides the lowest audio latency, in case there’s any such issues with Pulse Audio, try Jack instead, otherwise, if it works, it works. :slight_smile:

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thanks !

i try that right now!

it just does not want to work when from rc.local
all good from command line but not from rc.local

i stick with pi os lite,for now
maybe i come back to this later on cause would be nice to have patchbox since it is audio dedicated distro


i think i found it

well it seems that running in RC.LOCAL does not load the settings from /home/pi/.pdsettings

so you need to tell pd to load it when from RC.LOCAL by using -prefsfile /home/pi/.pdsettings
and vua la

all the externals and settings is loaded as it should be

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I prefer to use the [declare] object in .pd file with the required library paths, for externals that come through .deb, this way, if you were to share the .pd file with someone else with a Debian compatible system, it should just work, as long as the necessary PD exernal debs are installed, without any additional per-user setup.