Puredata file at startup

I’m completly new in linux environnement and raspberry too.
My hardware is : Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.4

I’ve created a Pure Data patch, it is on the Desktop and I’d like it to be executed at every startup of the raspberry pi.

On a tutorial founded on Youtube, it says to use “sudo crontab -e”.
So I opened it and I wrote the command line : @reboot puredata /home/pi/Desktop/whitenoise.pd &
(adding one empty line) and ctrl+s and ctrl-x
and back to the terminal window, I typed “sudo reboot”.

But nothing happens after rebooting the raspberry pi, why ?

I tried by changing the folder name “pi” by “patch” (I don’t know why there are two names available)
The .pd path is correct, I can launch it directly from the terminal.

below a screen capture of the crontab window

thanks in advance for your help :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello Dobermann !!

You must put your pure data file in the folder /usr/local/puredata-patches/MY-FOLDER/main.pd

Your files to launch your patch must name main.pd , and it can use other patch.

After enter in console “patchbox” and select “module” and “puredata” and your module must be appear .

Patchbox wizard are a good solution into…

I hope i help you and sorry for my bad english

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Hi Romger49,

Thanks for your message.
Unfortunatly it doesn’t works, I did exactly what you wrote.
The pure data patch has been renamed as main.pd and has been placed in the folder /usr/local/puredata-patches/MY-FOLDER/

below a screen capture of the terminal

Hi all,
after viewing multiple tutorials, I’ve founded a solution ! :slight_smile:
on the folder : /home/patch/.config/autostart
I’ve created a file called puredata.desktop, inside this text file:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=puredata /home/patch/Desktop/whitenoise.pd

and it works !

I can’t understand why it is sooooo complicated… or why programers doesn’t make an easy way…

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