Presets! How many?

Just seen a video that claims there are 8 banks of 8 presets in midi hub , am I so thick I’ve missed that for three years?

Nope. just the 1 bank of 8. Dunno how they thought that.

Which video is it? :slight_smile:

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Thx. claims it here in the vid
See you’ve corrected it.

“praise be the MIDI-gods” @t=9

Theoretically, say there’s space for more presets in memory than the number of LEDs, how would you intuitively like to switch between them?

I’m not with the hub at the moment , but I guess, a solid led represents the bank and a flashing led represents the preset , and I guess from the unit they would have to scrolled through one by one, via or program change on say channel 11 .

How about a pipe that has all the preset numbers listed, then you can map a midi event to each preset. I could see this really opening up some extremely creative pathways. I tend to make ginormous multifaceted patches. Having a whole bunch of banks of presets that can be switched to, from within a patch, to handle different functions would be out of this world.

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Hey, Joey!

I’d reckon

Theoretically, say there’s space for more presets in memory


I tend to make ginormous multifaceted patches.

don’t live in the same Midihub!

If it were possible though, your idea would be exciting cos it opens up the notion of self-switching patches…

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You could already switch presets using Program Change messages to make them self switching. :slight_smile:

Btw, I’ve looked into allowing switching presets via MIDI CCs, but they’re just too noisy for this purpose, if used via a knob. The best option is to use a single Program Change event.

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via loopback, I presume?

Must’nt think about that anymore, I sense a deep Markov-chain rabbit-hole opening up in front of me…

What about notes? I find myself using notes instead of CC’s to map and it
always works seamlessly. I can tell CCs could be a problem because when I try to do map with multiple to edit at the same time I start getting hiccups. In those same scenarios with notes, it flows smoothly.

Program change is seems decent enough. I guess the biggest impedance is number of them that you can switch to. In some of my patches, I use a lot of pipes simply to create “presets” which eat up the avaialable pipes. Being able to just switch through a plethora of presets can remove a lot of limitations.

Lol, My mind is exploding with the possibilities. Must… do Yoga…

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“Theoretically” if something were to be implemented along these lines, my suggestion would be to keep the current selection method for the 8 presets unchanged, to prevent confusion and complication. To reach additional banks, perhaps a technique like holding the button down twice for 3 seconds would put it into bank select mode, select a bank with normal presses (however many), then hold for 3 seconds to lock in the selection, then a choice of 8 presets in that bank could be made; perhaps also either a timeout to revert to the original “bank” or some other button technique to back out, if necessary.

While we’re at preset management: what about a long press (6s) to save current settings in the currently selected patch? :slightly_smiling_face: This would help a lot with jamming on my controller and recalling settings where I left the previous session…

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