what spacers would i need to mount the PiSound above the X1015 hat?
i’m not quite clear if the X1015 also uses the GPIO for extra power, if it does can the PiSound share the power pin?
what spacers would i need to mount the PiSound above the X1015 hat?
i’m not quite clear if the X1015 also uses the GPIO for extra power, if it does can the PiSound share the power pin?
Can’t help much with the spacers question but as far as which pins the pisound used for power you can check this article
And almost forgot!!! Welcome to the community!!!
The power rails can be shared with multiple devices.
For the height of spacers, you could try M2.5 25mm (same as included with Pisound), but with male ↔ female threads. Alternatively, I think the spacers could be a couple of mm shorter. If possible, you may hold off on the spacers until you have the boards and can measure exact distance between the boards once they’re mounted.
Thanks. I will do that. Also, if I choose to go with PiMidi instead of PiSound would I also use 25mm spacers?