Pisound for Raspberry Pi 5?

The pi5 works great with modep. I installed the 64-bit version of the Pi OS with desktop, so I can use the UI locally. Using the UI locally, by the way, is not advisable if you want to run multiple instances of the NAM and have a low latency setup as well. I also like the desktop environment for downloading content and some basic file management. So these are the steps:

  1. Make an image (Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit bookworm with desktop in my case) on the SD-card.
  2. Install the SD-card and let the basic setup complete.
  3. Install the Pisound and modep software (first time you run the Pisound installation it asks for a system update, you must perform that extra action):
sudo curl https://blokas.io/pisound/install.sh | sh
sudo curl https://blokas.io/apt-setup.sh | sh
sudo apt install modep

Be sure to connect your Pi to a LAN (cabled) network, because installation of the pisound (to be exact, initialising the WiFi hotspot function) will cripple your WiFi connection resulting in an incomplete installation of the Pisound software.

After this you can configure your setup. Be aware that ‘normal’ NAM-profiles use a lot of resources. If you use more instances of NAM, use Tonehunt NAM-profiles with the #light-mdl an #nano-mdl if you want to use the standard sound settings (low latency).