I cannot connect my midihub. Midihub Editor is unable to find it in normal and in flash mode too. Ableton doesn’t see the ports either.
OS: macOS Catalina
Please see the log file attached.
Thank you in advance.
mh.log (6.2 KB)
Hello, it looks like the system doesn’t react to the device. Are the Midihub’s LEDs lit up? Could you try hooking it up to another computer, just to see if the system is able to recognize it?
Hi, I have Catalina on a partition (though I rarely use it as I use Sierra to run the apps I want).
If you’re still having problems give me a shout and I’ll restart, try to connect my MidiHub and get back to you.
In the meantime, IF these free apps are still functional in Catalina, they will show also accessible ports:
- SysEx Librarian
- MIDI Patchbay
as will the mido module in Python if you’re into that kinda thing
Message me if you’re interested in me trying Catalina
PS. Forgive me for asking, it is switched on isn’t it? (Took me two weeks before I stumbled on that by mistake when I was moving a cable!)
It’s done by setting an environment variable when starting the Editor as shown here: Cant connect to editor - #7 by Giedrius
Thanks. Useful.
The same behavior is also on my windows machine.
Ports are not visible in SysEx Librarian and in MIDI Patchbay. I guess sometihng is wrong with the Midihub itself.
Could you try using a different USB cable or inspect the USB port on the Midihub side if the 4 pins in the port seem to be in good shape?
@saxash this is definitely worth a shot; I had a number of the (USB-D?) type cables lying around & MidiHub does not work with all of them (all of the ones with ferrite beads are fine as it happens)