Midihub not transmitting on midi din outputs

Hi guys, i am a long term user of the midi hub, and this morning i found it not transmitting signal on the midi output ports. i tried all the dirty tricks - power cycling - switching presets - but they arent working. everything looks fine: all the leds are blinking right, the usb connections are routing and processing as usual - i have an op-z and two midi controllers usb connected and midihub is working as normal with them, but no signal is present at any of the midi din ports. I am puzzled by the leds correctly reporting activity on the ports. I tried on different synths and soundcards with different cables. midi din inputs work perfectly, i can route any midi din inputs to any usb output with no problems. Any idea? thanks in advance.

Hey, we haven’t seen this before. It sounds like it could be some physical hardware issue. Please send it to us for inspection and repair, please contact us by email at hello@blokas.io.

Hi Giedrius, thanks for your reply. let me know where to send the midihub. i am in england, don’t know if there is any issue post brexit. i am qhr33k in the forum. thanks again