Midihub, Akai Force, circuit tracks, JX08

I want to connect midihub so that Akai Force is taking care of sequencing, one of the sound modules is circuit tracks which also is used to midi cc control other module JX08.

I would like to have a setup where I can play notes from midi keyboard to control Tracks (e.g.ch. 1-2) and JX (e.g. ch.4) and through Force also record those notes in Force and play them using Force’s seq. I also would like to control JX’s filters etc. using tracks control knobs (midi cc).

So now the wiring could be something like this:
Midikeyboard > Midihub
Force > Midihub > Tracks
Force > Midihub > JX
but also from Tracks midi out > Midihub > JX. to control JX with tracks midi cc
There are also few other modules:
Force > Midihub > TR8S
Force > Midihub > VirusB

How would this kind of, quite basic midi merge process go in Midihub?


Hey, Mika, welcome to Midihub forums

In the first instance, start with something like this

You can then put in filters (eg Channel Filter in line 1) to make sure only messages you want go to each OUT.
( you will probably want other filters too)

I’m not sure how you "also record those notes in Force " as you’ve already allocated your 4 MIDI OUTs, but the I don’t know your devices and what MIDI sockets they have.


The Force sees MidiHub as a midi interface when plugged into the Force by USB so it labels and can access all 4 in/out USB ports. Anything routed into the DINs can be sent to a track inside of the Force by the USB ports. The port pipes in the above picture that say “Force” should be USB ports. Your midi keyboard would be “Keys” DIN Followed by “USB A/B/C/D”. Then assign that USB port to a track inside of the Force.


Thanks for the replies, for both of you.
But I still have the same problem :-/
In Akai force you see midihub’s ports as a,b,c,d separately, yes.
The issue here is that I would like to control my JX module with Circuit Tracks knob controls, at the same time when the Force is sequencing… Adjusting filters on the run etc…
JX is on midi ch. 3 and 4, ( those are tracks’ midi control tracks channels). Tracks is on midi channels 1 and 2. so there should not be conflict.
I tried this by wiring like this:
Force usb - (midihub outB)-Tracks (midi in)-tracks (midi thru)-JX for sequencing
And Tracks midi out - midihub in D - midihub out B - tracks midi in- midi thru - JX for tracks control to JX . I also tried to filter this, for control only… But it does not seem to work…
It actually works for a while, then I think there was midi overflow etc. and it stops working.
The problem here is how to make the control connection from tracks to JX.

What is the basic starting connection scheme when there is nothing in the editor window?

I think that what I need is a basic setup everything connected to everything in midihub, so that I can then choose the ports that I want to use, inside force, and then additionally there would be some kind of shortcut from tracks out to JX, for control.
I also tried to add just midi in d to midi out b without anything else in the window, but it then blocked all other traffic except from midi d to b.

Thanks again for the help, in advance:-)
Br., MIka

Knobs>MidiHub (DIN IN)> Force (USB OUT)

Setup track in Force to record Automation and send back to MidiHub. Keep in mind your track arm options. Cycle through to figure out which one is suitable. Your track arm options are important to avoid feedback. If you prefer you could also record on one track then send on another. I haven’t powered my Force on in quite a while, but I know in the MPC you can set up a track to directly send midi to another track. Not sure if they added that update to the Force but that method makes feedback impossible.

The Track from The Force goes back to MidiHub (USB IN)> JX(DIN OUT)

While I am also guilty of this myself, keep in mind that it’s much harder to decipher a text interpretation of what’s happening in your patch/setup. Screenshots of your patch, screenshots of the midi monitor and or uploading the patch goes a long way in helping to suss out the root of the issue. If you say you had it working I suspect it’s your track arm options though.


I’ve moved you up from “new user” @Mika; that should allow you to upload Screen Shot 2024-02-20 at 09.43.31

Let me know if not.

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Hello again! That Joey’s simple idea about send midi to another track inside Force was actually brilliant and worked!
I also set Tracks’ midi clock send to off… it probably messed up things earlier too.

Now all is routed in Force (through Midihub)
Force is sequencing JX, tracks, and some other other synths,
and novation tracks midi out is routed (through midihub in) to different track in Force, where the midi is sent to JX’s seq track.

Here is a simple flowchart about the situation.
So, in this way, midihub can be used also as a conventional midi merge box, along with other sequencing when using Akai Force. I am going to use it like this in my live sets.

Thanks Joey and Resonotter very much for the help with this! And thanks Blokas for the good product!

Br., MIka