Is it possible to add plugins that aren't part of patchstorage?

I would like to use the following plugin :

But I can’t find it on patchsstorage. Is it possible to add this plugin to a pedalboard? If yes, how can I do it?

@crocefisso looking at the plugin page I don’t see that they ported their plugin to LV2 format, which is what is required by MODEP (and of course MOD Devices). If they did port their plugin to LV2 you would still need to create a MOD UI so the plugin shows up on the pedalboard.

@jtemple967 Thanks for the quick answer. I thought that TAL-Reverb could work on a MOD device since it is part of the following pedalboard:

@crocefisso now that’s a different story! Since MOD has the plugin working in their environment then it’s possible to make it work in MODEP as well. Let me check on the status of that plugin in my plugin builder environment.

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Another option is to copy lv2 plugins from other sources manually to the respective lv2 folder on the raspberry under /var/modep/lv2 . Good plugin sources that often (but not always) work in modep are zynthian and pedal-pi. You may find a subset of TAL plugins here ( zynthian-plugins/lv2 at master · zynthian/zynthian-plugins · GitHub ) and you may also check the overview for some other sources here Home · lv2/lv2 Wiki · GitHub
I especially enjoy the TAL reverb plugin on my pi5+pisound.