I2s soundcard out of the box

Hi, I´m new to Patchbox OS and I want to use my Raspi 4 B+ as a Audio-
recorder. I was happy when I read the info, that there are two snd card installed
which allready should support I2S.
I have a Wolfson WM8782 ADC board with master/slave mode and I2S digital out. Now I wonder if I can use the preconfigured snd cards in Patchbox OS to record with alsa e.g. audacity some .waf soundfiles.
Has anyone an idea to setup the I2S (Pinconfiguration GPIO) from the ADC ( Bitclk, Data, LS(WS), Masterclk) to Patchbox OS with the existing sondcards?
Thanx for infos,

You may follow general instructions for Raspberry Pi OS and other Linux OSes on how to do that, there’s nothing really specific to Patchbox OS. Most likely, you’ll have make use of the device tree overlays and the simple sound card module, or your own sound card module.

O.K. Thank you very much. But Where can I find the DTO files
in the OS root dir tree ? Can I simply comment the scripts out and
they will take effect after reboot ?


This is outside the scope of the level of support we can provide you. As noted, there isn’t anything specific to Patchbox OS, I suggest going through the Raspberry Pi, Linux development and Linux Audio related forums and mailing lists. Do as much research of documentation and prior asked related questions as you can.