Duplicating Pipelines and Pipes with Mappings using Drag & Drop

Midihub’s Editor doesn’t have the Cut, Copy, Paste found in the Edit Menu of many apps.

In the main “Pipeline Pane” (the only one you can’t remove!) this is done by dragging pipes and pipelines.

This functionality is available in Editor 1.14.5+

Cut & Paste

“Cut & Paste” is done by simple dragging:

  • dragging the first (left-most) pipe in a pipeline moves the whole line to a different position
  • dragging any other pipe in a pipeline moves just that pipe

Changing the order of pipelines can make the organisation of a preset better.
It won’t change the way the preset works.

Copy & Paste

“Copy & Paste” or “Duplicate” is done by holding down on the alt-key then dragging a pipe.

We call this “alt-drag” for short.
Holding down the shift and the alt-key then dragging is called “shift-alt-drag”

Below we will see examples where:

  • alt-drag duplicates the pipe/pipeline without duplicating any mappings

  • shift-alt-drag duplicates the pipe/pipeline with mappings

Duplicating pipes

:high_brightness: open up Midihub Editor (1.14.5+) and follow along!

Here is a pipeline with a mapped Transform pipe:

when we alt-drag this pipe to another place…
…say, to the right…

…we get a duplicate, but without any mappings:

02. copy-no-mappings_2

Now go back to the first (mapped) Transform pipe.
This time shift-alt-drag this pipe two places to the right:

03. copy-with-mappings

See how, this time, we’ve made a duplicate but with mappings.

(Notice also how we’ve then changed one of the properties to “Outside Range” to deal with all the values that the original ignored)

Duplicating pipelines

alt-dragging the left-most pipe of our first line…
…duplicates the entire line
04. copy-input-no-mappings

…but all mappings are lost.

shift-alt-dragging the same left-most pipe…
…also duplicates the entire line, but with all the mappings:

05. copy-input-with-mappings

(Notice how we’ve again changed a property after duplicating: this time we’ve changed the Source from MIDI A → USB A)

:pushpin: these actions are identical to using the Duplicate Whole Pipeline.. commands in the Right-Click menu on a pipe

Duplicating to a different preset

First decide which Editor is going to be connected to your Midihub (unless of course you’re lucky and own two) then…

Open up a another Editor…

(on Mac OS X..)

…you do this by pasting this into Terminal

/Applications/Midihub\ Editor.app/Contents/MacOS/Midihub\ Editor ; exit;

(change /Applications/ to wherever you keep your Editor!)

…and place it above and behind our original one:

Now we alt-drag our 3rd pipeline (the one that now starts with USB-A) to the new window…

06. copy-input-2nd-instance-no-mappings

and Lo! we have a duplicate without mappings.

Doing this again but with shift-alt-drag gives us a duplicate with mappings…

07. copy-input-2nd-instance-with-mappings

…and finally, as we’d hope and expect,
doing a shift-alt-drag on a pipe further along the pipeline makes a duplicate of that single pipe (this time with mappings):

08. copy-transform-2nd-instance-with-mappings-show-props


Check Pipe properties carefully before Duplicating!
You’ve seen how easy it is to Duplicate → Modify → Duplicate…
…it’s also easy to duplicate errors and oversights!
(it’s quite annoying to notice that Insert Before, say, should be a Replace only after duplicating it several times!)

Extracting modules
shift-alt-drag to a new Editor makes it easy to build a new “Append” preset from some part of a bigger preset.
This way, useful bits of functionality can be easily redeployed

That’s the end of this mini-tutorial -hope you found it useful.

Feel free to add your own comment, suggestion or question below…


PS. I use “alt-drag” above cos that’s the key combination in Mac OS X.

If it’s different on Win/Linux, please let me know (ctl-drag?) and I’ll edit Post 1

Thanks, R

On Windows Alt+Drag copies pipes, Alt+Shift+Drag does not however, I’ll have to look into it.

In the mean time, Ctrl+Drag and Ctrl+Shift+Drag on Windows does the same as Alt+Drag and Alt+Shift+Drag on macOS.

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Thanks, can anyone tell me about Linux/rPi?

on a Pi you can´t open a second editor :smiling_face_with_tear: so duplicating between presets is not possible.
You have to go offline with editor than you can open a second, than make this online and you can than duplicate from this

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Thanks for that Eddie.

From something @Giedrius said when he gave me the Terminal command for Mac, I’d been assuming that Linux was OK with multiple Editors.

You can run multiple instances on Linux too, but you can’t connect to the same Midihub at the same time (same as on other OSes).

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Aah Right; seeing @Giedrius post I now understand yours better:

No, only one instance connected at a time (else things could get weird), so I’ll generally keep my focus patch active and pull up another (disconnected) instance if I want to either

  • drag lines as ‘modules’ into a blank file to later use as Append preset
  • or pull up a previous complete patch to drag lines into my current project

    I’ve added a line to the main entry to clarify the connection idea. Thanks
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