[Download] Midihub Firmware 1.11.7

Hi. I’m unable to install it. I’m using Windows 1. Anyone care to help me out plz? I can’t seem to get this thing working. Kthxbye.

Try installing x86 vcredist from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53587

Thanks but “setup failed”.

Please create a new topic on the issue you’re facing with the steps you’re taking and exact errors you’re getting, and possibly some screenshots, so we can better understand what’s failing and find a solution.

Is there a way to determine what MIDIHub firmware is currently loaded into MIDIHub? I couldn’t find anything.

When you connect to the editor - look to the lower right of the editor window - it will be listed there.

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Found it. Thanks! Just wasn’t sure whether I had already upgraded or not and obviously never looked down in the lower right hand corner.