Does Patchbox OS universally boost audio processing speed (JUCE)


I am a JUCE developer with a strong focus on dynamic visuals alongside audio processing. I have tried some embedded platforms like the Daisy but often times the CPU is not enough to drive the visuals I typically render on desktop, so I currently am trying a Raspberry Pi 5.

I am wondering if Patchbox OS will universally improve audio processing speeds or if I should just stick to Raspbian, if I am planning on launching a standlone JUCE app on boot. I mostly develop on Windows so the Linux ecosystem is a bit foreign to me.

Patchbox OS is based on Raspberry Pi OS - it has some preconfigured stuff to make it more easily usable right out of the box with Linux audio software. It still has the performance capabilities of the host board, so most likely you’re going to see similar performance if you run your application on Raspberry Pi OS or Patchbox OS.

It might be easier to get automatic launch working of your JUCE app on Patchbox OS, by using its Modules concept.