Dispatcher random output ch?

Do you have a physical loopback? Which step isn’t working?

@JoeyButters Like the Note_off trigger for the Length pipe, Joey!
Is the Randomizer Positive != Negative to give a weighting?

Question: how does Note 57 get to MIDI CONTROL LOOP IN Ch6 for the From_A Bypass?

EDIT: Just noticed: Transform is not forcing Channel 1: If @LandscapeSetting is using Ch2-16 that might be the reason :wink:

Been a while since I played around this. I’ll have to give it a look over.

Edit. I don’t have the MidiHub setup right now so I can’t test it out but I see the first transform pipe is set to transform notes into note 2(argument 1= 2) instead of note 1 which is the mapped note for the manual retrigger for the LFO in the second pipeline.

Set argument 2(note) to 1(note), or remap the manual retrigger to note 2, or you can use whatever note or CC you would prefer. You may also need to set velocity to argument 2, argument 2 being 100.

Also try unchecking the note off box from the filter pipes. I don’t remember why that was checked or if it was necessary to be filtered out.

Note 57 was just a mapping I was using to bypass the input for testing and can be disregarded. But it is a useful way to turn off that lfo channel switching pipeline when the desire is to use another type of processing in the same preset.

Yes, necessary cos else map reverts to 0 = channel 1 on Note_off

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Oh that must be it !
Shall I connect a midi cable from one of the outputs and back to one of the inputs ?
I guess that’s what those arrows mean. Which midi ports ?

Thanks again

See Joey’s in/out labels: it’s C → C

IMO, check out Keep Channel & Set Channel To in the Transform: channel should be 1 so you can uses any channel notes in

Thanks for your help !
I definitely didn’t get that this physical midi connection was needed between port OUT3 and IN3.

It’s working smoothly now.

Unfortunately, as the randomization of the midi channel output is a ‘time-base’ event, and not a ‘note-based’ event, if a chord is played, it outputs all the notes to the same (random) midi channel, but not a different channel for each note.

Would you imagine any potential way around that ?

Yes I see what you mean. When I was thinking through Joey’s strategy I was only thinking about single notes.

Potential way round: Off top of my head I’d think about Dispatcher combined with Joey’s idea.
So instead of note getting Transformed to note 0 & going straight to C_out, it would get Dispatched to a virtual, then a series of virtual_in pipes – each with their own Ch Filter – would perform Joeys trick to C-Out. (Would need some proper thinking thro)
Seems clunky though.
As you’re already in the loopback domain, I start to think about Passive Mod random LFOs but don’t ask me why!

Yea the dispatcher seems the way to go. Although you’ll need to build it out with as many pipelines as you expect to have maximum notes in a chord. It’ll require a bit of pipelines for sure but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work flawlessly once finished. You seem to have a good grasp on MidiHub so it shouldn’t be too hard but it you need help building it out let us know.
I’ll point you to my Strum patch on patch storage. It’s a bit complicated with the mappings but it basically does the chord split to different channels. i’m running notes through arps on fixed channels but you can just as easily run through random channels. The one issue I see though is if all the notes of a chord are randomly channelized there will inevitably be times where notes get sent to the same channels. I can’t see a way around that at the moment.

230327 Random Midi Channel.mhp (874 Bytes)
B → B cable needed for the patch to operate

This is what I came up with.
Using noise LFO for the random generation.

Any comments welcomed !

Just having a look @LandscapeSetting

One thing I started to wonder about with the previous patches - that also applies to this one:
how do they know where to send the Note_Off? Or does this not matter with the device you’re sending to?

Looking back up the thread I see I mentioned Note_Off issue before.

If it is an issue, how about using your LFO(s) to do your random switching directly within the Dispatcher itself? (this might be an avenue already rejected)
For this you’d probably adopt a sample and hold strategy using ideas like those mentioned by @Brachland and @sdk75 last year here.

The note length pipe should only trigger on the note off so the note on note off should ideally be passing through the channels before it is switched.

Indeed, this is something that I didn’t notice at first.
The midi note off messages are all messed up.

Would you mind explaining how to use your ‘note on-note off’ strategy with a dispatcher ?
I’m quite new to midihub


possible solution if you are sticking with ‘230327…mhp’ strategy:


(notes in Description panel)

Thanks for your help !

Unfortunately, even when applying that, since the note off is on every channel,
there’s still some glitches in my setup. Some notes get cut off, when they should still be on.

Really a pity that the note off can’t be simply implemented.
Or just a more advanced dispatcher block.

yeah, it’s a bit of a sledgehammer technique![1]

Dispatcher itself is the only thing that’s going to keep everything tidy, AFAIK.

Given @Freeks earlier suggestion in the topic got a like by @Giedrius, maybe Dispatcher will get a Mode dropdown in its next iteration?
it would be a fun addition

[1] I take it, then, you’re playing another say C3 while a C3 is still on? Otherwise it should work.

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Here’s my latest attempt, with a different approach.

On my sequencer, in addition to the ‘musical notes’, I generate ‘useless notes’ in the range of C-2 to A-2, trying to make those as random as can be.

I then use a simple dispatcher, and filter those notes out.
It somehow randomizes the dispatcher, while keeping the note on&off tidy.

The downside being that chords are always on consecutive midi channels…

230412 Random Midi Channel - Simple.mhp (404 Bytes)

That’s a nice trick!

The downside being that chords are always on consecutive midi channels…

I just wonder whether there’s any mileage in sending the Dispatcher line off to a number of Virtuals each with their own Channel Filter and unique Dispatch subset pattern?

If Clock → DIN A-OUT is important, you should Filter it out of one of the pipelines

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Great suggestion.
Here’s a updated version. Quite simply cascading dispatchers.

It seems to work out well, with or without the ‘useless notes’

230413 Random Midi Channel - SimpleV2.mhp (534 Bytes)

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Oh cool. :fireworks:

So dummy notes don’t improve the setup any further?