Delay not respecting note length correctly

With a simple delay pipe, it is generating a note off event after the number of miliseconds Delay time counting from the note ON, rather than the note OFF.
So whatever I set the delay time to, that is the length of the notes that I get! It’s not waiting for the note off incomming event to generate the note off.

You can see in the screenshot an example. It is unsynced, and fixed length is off. I play one note and hold it, but the repetitions do not respect the held length of the input note. Instead, the note off is generated after ‘Delay time’.

This seems like a bug, but perhaps I’m misunderstanding something? Thanks for any help.

Hey, the Delay pipe does not allow for notes to be longer than the whole length of the delay, so the note on & offs of repetitions don’t interfere with the note you played.

If you want notes to be delayed exactly by some particular millisecond amount and avoid the issue, some trickery with Transform pipes is possible to get around this, see this preset:


Delay Note on and Note Off by 500ms_fixed (1).mhp (423 Bytes)

The first line produces only the delayed Note On events, the second line deals only with delaying the Note Off events.

Thanks! That’s really helpful.
Yes I am trying to delay notes by some fairly small milisecond amounts as you say, and just using delay meant they were being cut off very quickly.
I’ll try your patch - great stuff, thanks again.

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