Creating Live setup for computer and outboard synth

This is a continuation of the topic; [Midihub changing presets by midi message] **


G: The MIDI Program Change messages contain an absolute number for a device to change its preset/program. I couldn’t detect any issues in going between presets in sequences of 1, 2, 3 and then 3, 2, 1. Midihub is only interested in the absolute program change number whenever it receives a PC message on the configured port and channel, and loads that particular preset.

The easiest way to know which preset you’re currently on is to be connected via the Editor and looking at the “Current Preset: n” at the top toolbar. If you don’t have any unsaved changes made to the preset, the Editor will automatically load up the current active preset from Midihub whenever it changes.

One possible point of confusion when dealing with program changes - unlike MIDI things like Channel numbers which are conventionally always 1 - 16, there’s no common base number standard for Program Change messages. Some devices may display the lowest and highest Program Change numbers as being 1 and 128, others 0 and 127. Midihub uses 0 - 127 range for display. So that means that Preset 1 on Midihub gets recalled by PC0, Preset 2 by PC1, and so on until Preset 8 by PC7.

What is the exact connections made to/from Midihub and which device is sending the Program Change messages to Midihub?
midi guitar signals are routed through, and added to, by a Fishman FC – 1 foot controller as part of the Triple Play midi guitar rig. It is connected by midi cable to Midihub A in.
The messages that Midihub is being provided with should be inspected first, whether they meet the exact expectations. This can be done by temporarily disabling or changing the port & channel that Midihub is using for its Preset changes, and looking at the MIDI Monitor pane in the Editor when the appropriate input pipe is selected.
**I sent you pictures from the monitor in the previous email. They don’t seem to be reproduced in this email. But they were taken from input a. The very first thing that Midi hub would see. Confirmed that MH program changes are 0–127, so my program changes are one digit higher. No problem.

The preset name is not saved in Midihub’s memory, however, the contents in the Description pane are saved, so this could be used as a help for identification.

Yes, either drag the file into the reply textbox, or use the little ‘upload’ button:


Let us know if this button is not available for you.
The file I am using is attached below by dragging to the email. Thank you for this information.

It very much depends on the way you’re building up your preset - every time an Input pipe appears, you could think that all of the incoming messages from that port are forwarded directly to the pipe on the right, containing exact copy of the data at each instance that input pipe appears in the preset. Therefore, you either have to place the same filters after every Input port if you want it completely gone, or use a Virtual input & output pipes to share the same preprocessing of data coming in from MIDI A. Or sometimes you want to filter out data only before certain pipes. It really depends on what you want your particular preset to do.
Ah, yes-I am working to understand this in your tutorial. This information is helpful. I believe it is a separate topic and I will separate it. Excellent

In the screenshot, I see that the 2nd pipeline would sort of duplicate the MIDI events coming from DIN-5 MIDI A sent to USB A output, depending on what its Filter is set to do, and might make the effect of CC Range Filter pipe unnoticeable to USB A output. (preset upload would help confirm if it’s indeed the case)
Right, the patch is very inefficient. Here is what I am trying to do;

I have also attached this for better clarity.
The top is the set up. Underneath is what I am trying to do. After initially saying in A, I only use “IN” because this uses virtual ports which I don’t completely understand the use of yet
you can see in my actual file that I have used them to somehow get the sounds I want. It got me through my first recording session. But I’m sure there are duplicates and an efficient Midi routings that are making confusion. Perhaps you could show me how to clean this up.
I will continue with tutorial five to get a better understanding.
I currently use 66 to switch from Computer to Synth, but I’ll look forward to changing this number when midihub supports sostenuto! {Actually, I guess it won’t matter. Amazing the sound generators don’t support cc 66 anymore.}

I’d suggest creating a new topic with a description of what you want your preset to do exactly, in terms of which kinds of MIDI events and their ranges you want to get forwarded to which destinations, list out the MIDI connections made to Midihub’s inputs and outputs, and attach the preset you have so far, then we can help make it achieve the set goals.
Here it is! Thank you so much for your attention, consideration, help. Great contribution

66-A<>B, 70+[Invrt2Note].mhp (743 Bytes)

OK comparing your excellent diagram :asterisk: with your patch…
going by pipeline number:

  1. you say “all filtered but notes, CC1, 2,…70” but
    Filter only allows CC and CC Remap does 70 → 64. As “Any CC messages that are outside of input range will get discarded” this will only output CC64 (all others will get blocked).
    What did you want to do here (you already have CC64)?

  2. here the CC Remap is acting like a CC Range Filter outputting only CC66.
    That what you want?

    As Giedrius hints, combine these two lines.

  3. At the moment the Note Remap when active will only let Note 40-86 through and reverse their order.
    When it is Bypassed, all notes will pass through unchanged. That what you want?
    Do you want a Filter here so that only Notes are allowed in? Otherwise you’re duplicating some CCs. My hunch is that this could be combined with Line 1&2 once you’re clear about your CCs.
    (if all your CC66/70 are doing is toggling stuff in MH, then they don’t need to go thro to Mac)

    I think the mapped Virtual H is a left-over from trying to get “reverse effect bypassing” (solved here). Change this to USB-A, I presume, and drop line 5&6?

  4. Everything goes to MIDI-B when it’s not blocked by your CC66 toggle.

  5. see 3. above.

  6. see 3. above

I’m not clear about whether, when messages are going through to your VL-1, you want nothing going through to your Mac or exactly what you want from your CC remapping.

My guess, though, is that you’ve now got enough to figure it out and it’s probably a two line patch…

:asterisk: only question from your diagram is whether everything is on channel 1 as the mapping seems to suggest.

Have fun with your reversed keyboard!

Yes, this was the first thing I had ever done. And it’s messy.
First off, trash pipe 2! I will clean it up to the best of my now somewhat acquired knowledge, and resubmit it here.
The big challenge at the moment to at least get to the point where I am functional, is to learn how to loop back in order to have a single button press have opposite results on different pipes. (As in, one output is bypassed, the other is not, and vice versa)
I need a “loop back for dummies” book!

As a next step, Peter,

  • Try the patch I posted as is,
  • see whether the “demo pipelines” give the behaviour you want
    (ie. switching pipes on & off when toggling CC66)
    and, if so,
  • build in the other pipes you want

When you’ve seen it working and monitored what each pipe is doing in line 1, you’ll see that it’s no big thing!

OK, it didn’t occur to me to try it as is. I will do that after dinner. I don’t have a concept of looping. Don’t answer yet. Let me work on it in an hour or two then I might be worth talking to.

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OK. I tried it. It seems to have the same limitation as my patch; One Direction of cc66, gives usb A correctly,

and the other direction of cc 66 gives both A and B.

that is the problem I had. I could not shut off A when B is enabled.
…it needs to help the reverse effect.

am I missing something?

third email. Retrying your patch, I don’t get anything to B out. Not sure why.

earlier, I got three different results when I pressed cc 66;A, A&B, B.
that was kind of cool. But now it has changed. I did not change your patch.
Right now it’s all voodoo to me. I guess I need something spoonfed to me literally. I am an active musician, I am failing in computer class :slight_smile:

this is the behaviour you should be seeing :arrow_lower_left: :

I’m pretty sure this is the switching you want…

…although, as the Pipe Diagram shows (and the Description indicates)…

I’ve got MIDI A → MIDI A and USB A → USB A as my demo pipes…

But you can change the Destination of any of these In/Outputs to (almost) any of the 16 options available:

Try it and see! (just don’t delete any of the 4 pipes or you’ll lose your mappings)

Off for tea now in GMT-land!

:arrow_upper_right: If it’s not, we have a problem, Houston!

Btw, if you click on the 1st image to view it zoomed…

… the left/right arrows let you see the sequence more like an animation

Picture 2 the MIDI Monitor matches. But I don’t hear any sound in Digital Performer set to receive minihub port one

P3: when I press the CC 66 pedal again I get this
Picture 2 the MIDI Monitor matches. But I don’t hear any sound in Digital Performer set to receive minihub port one

P3: when I press the CC 66 pedal again I get this

It doesn’t match yours because pipe three has not been bypassed. When I play a note I hear uA.

If I press it again, I got the same thing I had in the picture 2. I do not know what action you took that created each picture. So I don’t know how to interpret this. Please tell me

All I know is that I don’t seem to get what you get.



It doesn’t match yours because pipe three has not been bypassed. When I play a note I hear uA.

If I press it again, I got the same thing I had in the picture 2. I do not know what action you took that created each picture. So I don’t know how to interpret this. Please tell me

If I change out A->B:

Now I am back where I started. One press of 66 gives uA, another price of 66 gives B plus uA. I wanted to be uA OR B

You are convinced you have an answer, I guess it is a matter of communicating it to me, because I’m not getting it.
