Creating a drum machine that can play samples and generate drum sounds

Hi there

thank you for the wonderful hat for the raspi

I am slightly overwhelmed with the choices for this little powerhouse.

is there a quick and dirty way to turn it into a little sampling drum machine?

I would like to use it for playing chopped breaks and also for single drum hits.

I have limited experience with coding stuff but am happy to give it a try. I can face roll my way around a linux backend etc.

I haven’t used it myself, but SamplerBox sounds quite close to what you are after.

The ready to go OS image seems a bit out of date, so use it only if you have Pi 4 or earlier Pi board. Otherwise, go the manual install route. (The commands may be outdated as well, like the kernel install / update command, this one can be skipped, if there’s any more issues, those can be worked around one way or another)

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