Hi guys,
I want to be able to send (identical) CC messages from 1 midi channel to 5 other midi channels…
Example: A midi keyboard controlling the filter cutoff for 5 synths (each synth on a different midi channel)
I am using a novation SL49 mkii (which has 2 midi outputs and usb for sending/recieving midi) to control my Korg EMX1. The EMX1 only has in/out/thru midi ports and NO usb.
This is where it gets complex…
I am using the novation via the Midihub to ‘round robin’ each note played using the ‘NOTE DISPATCHER’ for midi channnels 1-5, so the first key press plays a note on midi channel 1, second key press plays a note on midi channel 2, third key press plays a note on midi channel 3… all the way to midi channel 5, then does a ‘round robin’.
I have this set up perfectly (thanks to the awesome Midihub)
But i also want to control the filter cutoff for all 5 midi channels SIMULTANEOUSLY, while also being able to continue the ‘round robin’ setup.
So… the keyboard part is playing ‘round robin’ notes for channels 1-5, while also assigning a CC control (on the same novation SL49mkii controller) to control ALL 5 midi channels (1 to 5) filter cutroff SIMULTANEOUSLY.
So far ive not been able to achieve this.
I have tried the following:
. Assaigning the 5 midi channels on the EMX1 to midi channel 1, which works to control all of their filter cutoffs… but then i cant do the ‘round robin’ keyboard notes (for the obvious reason that all 5 synths are now on midi channel 1)
I think i might need another midi controller…
1st controller to do the ‘round robin’ notes (keyboard), and a 2nd controller (with rotary/slider) that i can set to send 1 CC message to 5 different midi channels simultaneously…
If i do this, can i use Midihub input port A for the round robin keyboard part, and Midihub input port B for the CC message from midi channel 1 to midi channel 1,2,3,4,5, and send the pipeline from both midi input A and B to midi output port A?
Bare in mind the EMX1 does NOT have usb unfortunately.
Thanks for your time guys!