Hi everyone i am trying to hookup the midipi to a bela mini multichannel. I am confused about pins. 3.3 v, ground, SDA, SCL, i am ok with that.
RESET and Additionally, one of the following pins is used, as selected by the sel rotary switch, for the Data Ready line: on the rpi : do they have a compatible pins in the belamini?
Here is a link to the bela mini multichannel pin diagram https://learn.bela.io/pin-diagram/
Software should be ok , being bela os aDebian based.
Thanks in advance for your help.
pimidi.c should require no changes at all. The Device Tree overlay lists the GPIO pins and I²C bus used, this might require host board specific adjustments to select different values, if they are not 1:1 compatible (usually Raspberry Pi clones try to be 1:1 compatible, but might still be off by not having some required pin alternative function at the same location)
If all the pins as listed in Detailed Specs - Pimidi Documentation are connected (SDA, SCL, Reset, Data Ready, 5V, 3V3, GND) are connected to functionally compatible pins on Bela, Pimidi should be able to work.
Use pinout.xyz for referencing Raspberry Pi pinout to figure out where essential pins of Pimidi are located at.