Assign controllable velocity to notes in different velocity ranges

Hi Giedrius,
Thanks again for your awesome answer to my original question.
Would it also be possible to vary the velocity of the redirected midi notes, say, between 30 and 127, based on data coming in from a MIDI expression pedal? (Rather than the redirected notes all being stuck at 85, as I originally requested.)
If that is possible to do, I could arrange for the expression pedal data to come into my midihub on the same port.

Hey, yes, that is possible. You should map the Argument 1 of the 3rd transform to your CC pedal (it can come in from any port, no need to match the same one)

If necessary, you can also use Rescale pipe to adjust the range of values the CC produce, for example, if your pedal can’t be reprogrammed to send only values within a certain range, and only sends 0 - 127, you could place a Rescale pipe with In Low 0, In Hight 127, Out Low 30, Out High 127, to get values in your desired range, and send it to a Virtual Output (like H). Use the matching Virtual H port for the Argument1 parameter mapping.

Something like this:

Expressive velocity transforms.mhp (411 Bytes

Adjust the 2nd line’s input as needed, FROM MIDI A would be fine to use as well. I assumed the expression CCs are CC #11, and just in case, forced the channel to 1, so the virtual mapping always works.