It would be really useful if the Arpeggiator pipe provided a few of the parameters found in the LFO pipe:
Start on SysCommon: I’d like to latch the Arpeggiator (via the Sustain pipe’s chord mode), input the desired notes and then trigger playback in time/alignment with my sequencer from the moment I press the play button. This is how I’m used to arpeggiators working – it just makes syncing with other gear and live performance easier.
(This might work at present for those with syncing to clocks that begin after receiving a Start command. Mine sends clock even from a stopped state, however.)
Retrigger on SysCommon: to keep arpeggios playing in sequence after receiving Stop/Start messages. Again, this would make it easier when syncing with other gear.
Manual Retrigger: I would expect this to reset the arpeggio sequence while continuing playback in time with the clock. As with the LFO, this would open up a ton of creative possibilities for internal/external mappings.
One Shot: This could trigger one full playback of the arpeggio sequence and then stop – another fun performance option, especially considering how many arpeggio types there are.