64 bit patchbox OS? Or mod-desktop on RPI5 OS?

Hi there,

new user here. Currently own a mod duo X. Very happy with it, but feeling the upper limit of CPU resources of the duo I was wondering about the RPI5.

Which brings me to this forum, seeing RPI5 being supported, wonderful ! Patchstorage for sharing plugins, great!

But then I noticed patchbox OS runs on 32 bit, I suppose for historical reasons and compatibility with the older Pi’s ?
Does this make sense in the long run? Is there a reason patchbox OS isn’t being developed for 64 bit?

On patchstorage I noticed the aarch64 lv2 plugins. What is stopping me from running raspberry PI OS on a RPI5, compile and install mod-desktop and using the aarch64 plugins from patchstorage…

  • getting the pisound working on raspberry OS should be possible
  • compiling mod-desktop for arm64 should be possible

So maybe patchbox OS is not needed in 64bit version because of that. And the mod-desktop app makes modep moot ?

This is just a thought exercise, I must be missing pieces of the puzzle here, so what are you guys thoughts on this?
I mainly have a shortage in CPU power on the mod when running midi synths through aether ( big reverb). So I am wondering what the difference in performance would be with the RPI5.

See the beta here: [Beta] Patchbox OS Bookworm ARM64 2024-04-04

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Thanks! Was unaware of this!

Are you guys aware of mod desktop?
Any thoughts on using an intel NUC vs PI5 combined with mod-desktop vs modep?

Not to be a partypooper here, I was just wondering…

MOD runs on Raspberry Pi 3B+ just fine. Later Pi’s are even better. Use whatever you think will be best for you. :slight_smile:

I haven’t considered windows systems + MOD desktops before, but sounds quite promising!

I have chosen Rpi to use some LED indicators or expanded controls (such as footswitches) via Rpi’s IO ports. but if someone prefer more computing power and OK with handling multiple devices (NUC, maybe an audio card, maybe an midi controller, maybe all connected via USB and/or powered separately…) NUC+mod desktop can be an option i think.

It should be possible, but I guess the whole patchbox environment is already tweaked for perfect live usage.
My linux desktop ‘pro audio’ runs mod fine, but I guess for flawless live usage I would prefer the RPI + Pisound.
An intel NUC + external soundcard is already more bulky and tweaking the environment yourself, allthough documented, could be cumbersome… A pro is that it would enable alot more flexibility for synth lv2s, you could add the desktop version of zynAdd for instance …