Hi there,
new user here. Currently own a mod duo X. Very happy with it, but feeling the upper limit of CPU resources of the duo I was wondering about the RPI5.
Which brings me to this forum, seeing RPI5 being supported, wonderful ! Patchstorage for sharing plugins, great!
But then I noticed patchbox OS runs on 32 bit, I suppose for historical reasons and compatibility with the older Pi’s ?
Does this make sense in the long run? Is there a reason patchbox OS isn’t being developed for 64 bit?
On patchstorage I noticed the aarch64 lv2 plugins. What is stopping me from running raspberry PI OS on a RPI5, compile and install mod-desktop and using the aarch64 plugins from patchstorage…
- getting the pisound working on raspberry OS should be possible
- compiling mod-desktop for arm64 should be possible
So maybe patchbox OS is not needed in 64bit version because of that. And the mod-desktop app makes modep moot ?
This is just a thought exercise, I must be missing pieces of the puzzle here, so what are you guys thoughts on this?
I mainly have a shortage in CPU power on the mod when running midi synths through aether ( big reverb). So I am wondering what the difference in performance would be with the RPI5.