Using the Midihub with WIDI Jack etc

Hey Derek,

Your post made me go find out about WIDI (wondering about whether to indulge so thx for that!)

I dunno if this is still a live query for you but I did find this† in my reading

Advanced Mode: WIDI Groups

… you can create groups of max. 5 WIDI devices. In essence this means you can now replace your MIDI Thru and Merge boxes. Thus maybe even your MIDI interface. By bypassing those middle men, you can optimise performance of your MIDI setups ánd go completely wireless.

When pairing 2 WIDI devices, this is done fully automatically. You do not need to worry about a thing. The WIDI devices pair and automatically switch between the central and peripheral role. This is Bluetooth wording for the things we used to know in the world of MIDI as master and slave. Also, they transmit MIDI messages bi-directionally. You simply power up your WIDI devices, and the rest is fully automated.

When you go into more complex setups with wireless group connectivity, you need to educate yourself to fully benefit from these features. For instance, your group always has 1 central. Besides this you can add up to 4 peripherals. This means you need to manually force the role of your WIDI devices first.

(my bold italics)

the image also hints it’s possible (I see Midihub in the centre!)…

…but all we basically learn from the wording is “you need to manually force the role of your WIDI devices”.
Doesn’t exactly say how, does it?!
maybe here? Yeah

†near bottom of page here

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