Update to bullseyes, 64-bit, NEON, etc

The software runs on 64-bit. The TreeFallSound/pi-Stomp guys have it running; the MOD Devices FOSS runs on 64-bit. It has nothing to do w/ Python.

64-bit Debian 12? That is where I tried and failed most recently and FaulkTX (IIRC) stated it never would. I think that was an exaggeration.

Try that.

I tried ages ago on 64-bit raspberian and it failed. I left a trail of woe on moddevices issues pages on github.

Python does not value backward compatibility. As I stated, that is an objective reason to not use it for any software that is going to last. This is the second software project I have had this Python problem with. The other is Yocto


For the internet challenged:

I personally have the MOD Desktop running on my M2 Pro Mac and MOD FOSS running in 64-bits, on a RPi4, running PiOS. Previous 64-bit incarnations on the RPi4 ran on Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu LTS & Lubuntu.

Baring the huge jump from Python 2.x to 3.x, Python strives to maintain backwards compatibility and (to quote Python.Org) “the development team must be very careful not to break this existing 3rd party code with new releases” and “In general, incompatibilities should have a large benefit to breakage ratio”. See PEP-0387 The upgrade from Python 2 to Python 3 included a large overlap between 2.x and 3.7, patches and updates to 2.x, even after 3.x was available, etc. Much like the big version jumps with Perl, REXGREP, macOS 9.x to 10.x, macOS 32-bit to 64-bit, and many other large software overhauls.