Split wifi hotspot config from pisound-btn package

Allright, found some time … gosh deb packages are … complicated. I’m mostly getting there. One issue though…

What to do with the scripts ? ie. enable/disable_wifi_hotspot.sh …

The .service file in the package refers to them, they are somewhat pisound specific at the moment as they get “git pulled” at postinst (which is … weird in itself, packages should be self contained).

I could/should move them into patchbox-wifi (and to a different location). This would probably work fine since patchbox-cli uses systemctl and doesn’t refer to them directly.

I’m thinking of creating a /usr/lib/patchbox/scripts.

The main issue is I can probably not move common.sh into it as we are getting back into rather pisound specific territory. That would mean taking out the LED stuff from those scripts.

Any better idea ?

One option could be to include common.sh if it exists, and have a fallback dummy flash_leds if not.

What’s your preference ?